While browsing the web, I came across a website that teaches women how to extract the most money out of their husbands (or to be precise: “planned to be ex-husbands”), through a false 498a, false rape cases, making him buy gold, property etc. Through a link on this site I came to a website of victims of 498a, where men seem to be just as hateful of women as those women on the other website are of men.
I do understand you men, even though I am a woman. I have survived a most abusive and violent marriage and I know how it feels to be a helpless victim. No, I received not a single rupee from my ex-husband even though we have a child together, despite the laws today. I have never cheated on him but bore the fact that he did. I did my best to be a faithful Hindu wife but he hated me for my mere existence. I got beaten and nearly killed and nobody came to my aid, there was no woman’s organization not even my family. He got away with it just because of a big name and an even bigger bank account.
Now I live in a European city, as a single mother, earning my own money, making my own living, alone.
I do not hate men. Why should I? Not all men out there are bad or are out to beat their wives. Not all men are violent and threatening. Just as not all womenWe expected love or at least basic respect, all we received was pain, severe, life eating pain. A pain that eats our joy, makes it hard for us to trust again, makes us fear to be hurt again, makes us lock up this pain in our hearts and in many cases prevents us from even speaking about it, makes us ashamed of what happened to us. So where is the difference? I am hurt and you are hurt, both of us through our respective marriage partners.
are out to take undue advantage of their husbands. The pain we carry, be it as a man or a woman is equal. We both were cheated and misused in the most horrible way: in the intimacy of our homes, our closest family.
Life is not fair, but we have one consolation: we are alive, we are survivors! Should not we as survivors stand together and strengthen each other? Can we forget the gender and just see the pain in each other that needs healing?
I know, I can…how about you?
I know such 'Rachnas' in abundance in India, these are the Ideal case no. 3 Sitas.
I haven’t seen Europe but after conversing with rachna over a month, I am convinced they are there too.
2. Boy is like a Rakshash and Girl is a Surpanakha (They both compensate each other)
3. Guy is a demon (Rakshash) and Girl is Like Sita (The guy is like.... you know better) but the girl by virtue of her character would never put her husband in trouble
4. Guy is like Ram and Girl is like Witch (surpanakha)
A Case 3 girl understands the plight of case 4 boy very well and vice versa.
I have always high regards for such women who do not have a stain of her X in her life in no forms not even bank account. She is independent; she is ready to be interdependent with the right partner as she understands the meaning of it. And she has a vision for life in form of a relation and not materialistic form in anyway. And above all a proud single parent. Hats off to you. Where as I have an experience where nothing matters not even time against money, bah they call it alimony.
Yes Rachna, we should forget the gender war and look at healing the pains of us as victims and thus convince the world, that never it could be generalized that a gender is at a fault, it is rather all human instinct in each case...irrespective of gender.
In India, We are not asking for much but only a back up plan for the misusers of the law to slightest of extent.How I wish my dear co-blogger that you were in India. NCW would have got a lesson from you. But since we are global I am sure the world will notice and NCW will notice you and your support to me and mine to you, one day and will understand our meaning of being strong2gether and bring about changes in the law. There will be many who will favour our Humanist approach, that fights injustice and victimisation and insists equality.
I wish our association to go a long way and get the aim of finishing the gender war forever and rather concentrate on constructive mindsets both socially and judicially. And become strong2gether forever.
My heart reciprocates to your pain empathetically. Bearing the "Equality of Pain."
We are sailing in the same boat and now blogging on the same blog. It is a wonderful journey.
Bon Voyage to you and us,